Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Tips in Teaching Your Child How to Ride a Bike

by Daegan Smith

1. Determine if your child is ready to learn how to ride the bicycle. It is important that your child have to master balance. You can start by teaching your child to begin in two wheels. You can consider three methods like the assisted two wheeling, unassisted two wheeling and the training wheel. It is up to you on where you think your child will learn the easy way and consider what could be the safest.

2. The training wheel is the best and conventional way for a child to learn how to balance. It is very advisable for beginners especially for children. Training wheels are small and are intended for children. Your child might not enjoy its purpose, which is to lessen the wounds, and injuries your child can get in accidents when learning how to bike. The training wheel is best used in large driveways, quiet streets, and parks where you can leave your child alone learning even not watching him. If your child has mastered how to use it, maybe he can ride a bike even without the training wheel or your child can try a different bike.

3. It is important that you should also check what clothes your child is wearing during practices with the bicycle. You must not let him wear clothes that are long which may be caught by the wheels. Short pants or bike shorts would be advisable to your childís outfit in riding a bike. Another advice would be to tell your child to wear jackets or sweatshirts for safety in the actual teaching.

4. Always remember the safety of your child before riding the bike. Do not forget to tell your child the safety rules he must keep in mind before he takes his ride. Your child must know that wearing a helmet and a safety gear is important to your childís protection in the streets. Kneepads and bicycle gloves are also additional protective gears. It is necessary that your child will always make the habit of putting safety first before taking a ride.

5. Find the perfect place for your child to practice his biking lessons. You can go to parks or large driveways where you can let your child bike even with less supervision. It is safer to teach him where there are less people. Another way is to find a pavement that is flat, without any cracks, and holes where he can move forward without using brakes. You can make a small obstacle for your child to maneuver and learn to go in different directions.

6. Another approach that you can use is to run along with your child. If there is any small bike for your child, ride with him holding your child up. Place yourself at his back and put your arms on your childís shoulders, and let him hold the bikeís handles so that he will know how to control the bike and he will learn how to balance. Always be alert if your child is doing the right thing. If your child feels the pressure because you are riding with him, let him do the steering. Let the bike go where it will go, as long as the area is clear and safe. This could be the fastest way your child can learn.

7. Show your child how to use the brakes. Educate him that brakes are used for stopping the momentum of the bike. Most bikes intended for children have back pedal brakes. The very objective of back pedal brakes is to use the feet in stopping the bike because children do not have enough power in their hands to use the brakes. Hand brakes are not that safe for children and you have to check it regularly because hand brakes malfunction all the time. Although it has advantages in learning to balance easily, back pedal brakes are much safer and much recommended for a bike than a hand brake.

8. Let your child practice and ride the bike alone once child already knows the basics and the safety rules you taught him. Let him enjoy and have fun with his friends riding his bike.

About the Author

Daegan Smith is an Expert Internet Network Marketer. "Learn How To Make $10,717 In Less Than a Week While Quickly And Easily EXPLODING Your Network Marketing Organization Without EVER Buying a Single Lead?" http://www.internetmlmsuccess.com mailto:netmlmsuccess@aweber.com



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